Our Eco Philosophy
We firmly believe in the maxim that every little bit helps!
In December 2017 Ariel and I were thrilled to achieve a Sliver award from Green Tourism and needless to say we will continue our green ways and hopefully achieve Gold standard in the future.
We recycle as much as we can; glass, paper, plastics, and food waste and are happy to assist our guests to do the same.
This is why we ask you to order cooked breakfast the night before to help reduce food waste.
Vegetable waste goes into the compost bin for the garden!
We shop locally and use Scottish products and produce when possible.
One of the reasons I am a vegetarian is the ecological cost of meat production. Don't worry I don't preach, Ariel as an American loves a steak!
We try to reduce the use of plastic so jams etc are in glass jars and you don't get wee plastic pots of milk in your room but fresh milk or non dairy 'milk' in a jug. On the same theme we supply "Perfectly Drinkable" chilled tap water in reusable glass bottles rather than water in plastic bottles.
Again to reduce plastic waste, shower gel is provided in large dispensers in each shower and hand wash at each hand basin. Shampoo and conditioner are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. These plastics have an enzyme that assists bio degradation. Sanitary disposal bags are made of paper rather than plastic. 
All laundry is done here at Alberta to reduce CO2 emissions and dried out side weather permitting! To assist us if your towels require changing please leave them in the shower tray.
Light bulbs are energy efficient LED, but it helps even more if you turn then off if leaving your room :-)
Much of our furniture had a life before it came to us so we may not be terribly up market but we like to think we have given a home to and re-purposed some beautiful items that may have ended up in land fill otherwise.
We have just installed insulation to Alberta's loft space, and ensured that every pipe is lagged.
Future planed projects include upgrading the 1970s double glazing, an electric car charging point, and when the heating system is revamped we are investigating the use of a biomass boiler or other low carbon energy system.